Thursday, November 13, 2008

"She is..."

She is my best friend...
She is easy to talk too...
She is always there rain or shine, early or late...
She is just a phone call away... a hundred times a day...
She is someone who always listens... cares what I think...
She is loving without judgement...
She is caring to all who know her... cares for them too...
She is happy and fun...
She is into boutiques...
She is amazing...
She is into the holidays... can't wait to decorate...
She is the center of our family...
She is strong beyond words...
She is a hard worker...
She is a gardener...
She is a wonderful wife...
She is a terrific g-ma!...
She is love...

She is... my mother... and I love you...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"In the Blink of an Eye"

In the blink of an eye I became my parents first child...
In the blink of an eye I became a Big sister...
In the blink of an eye I started Kindergarten...
In the blink of an eye I stayed at Primary Childrens Hospital for days...
In the blink of an eye I became a teenager and the troubles that brings...
In the blink of an eye I was driving...
In the blink of an eye I graduated from High School...
In the blink of an eye I was a girlfriend for the first time...
In the blink of an eye that ended...
In the blink of an eye I was a nanny...
In the blink of an eye I almost lost my mom...
In the blink of an eye I was my sister's maid of honor...
In the blink of an eye I became an Aunt...
In the blink of an eye I turned 25 then 30...
In the blink of an eye my brother marries...
In the blink of an eye it's over...
In the blink of an eye mom's life changes forever...
In the blink of an eye I made a life changing decision...
In the blink of an eye I am a mom...
In the blink of an eye she is 1 then 5 then 9...
In the blink of an eye you meet life long friends...
In the blink of an eye I have a great career...
In the blink of an eye days seem shorter and wants are left to chance...
In the blink of an eye I fall...
In the blink of an eye my mom is there and our lives change...
In the blink of an eye the lives of my family change...
In the blink of an eye I am the one that needs the most care...
In the blink of an eye I cannot walk, I need crutches and a wheelchair...
In the blink of an eye help is coming in from every direction...
In the blink of an eye decisions are made that change everything...
In the blink of an eye we say how sorry we are...
Everything can be different... " In the blink of an eye...

Friday, October 3, 2008

"The Colors of Fall"

I love all the colors of fall, oranges, reds, yellows and that final touch of green. I love the crisp mornings and the winds that stir up the fallen leaves. I love the smell of rain and the coolness of the air before it snows. I LOVE fall!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"Wishful Wednesday"

This is my beautiful daughter, McKenzie, and on this "Wishful Wednesday" I thought I would tell her what I wish for her. My sweet girl, I hope that you always know how much I love you and want the very best for you. I wish for you to be happy and always feel safe. I wish that you will always be surrounded by people who love you and care about what you think and let you be yourself. I wish that you will always have good teachers in school and in church to help guide you throughout your life. I wish that you will always try to listen and try your very best to do the right things and treat others like you like to be treated. I wish for you all the opportunities to take lessons in the things that you enjoy like cheer, tumbling, dance and piano. Most of all, I wish for you to be really happy with your life and all that it can become as you get older. Love you- Mommy =0)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Big Giveaway

So I was blog stalking "again" and I found this darling site called and she has the most amazing hairdo's for little girls. They are so cute and they look pretty easy to do, I can only hope that Mckenzie will hold still long enough to try them. Anyway, she is doing a giveaway for 3 prizes this week and if you leave a comment on her blog you are entered into the drawing. I left comment number 612, do you think I still have a chance to win? I sure hope so because the gifts are great! Tell her you saw her on my blog, leave a comment and link to your site and you will be entered too!! Good luck everyone!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Thoughtful Thursday"

I just wanted to share one of my most favorite quotes on this Thoughtful Thursday. I have had this posted on my computer at work for years. I hope that you will like it as much as I do.

We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. -Sam Keen, To Love and Be Loved

Monday, August 18, 2008

Friday Night Update

Well Friday night was fun after all! Got to meet Perry, a friend of Janet's, who has the greatest smile for a guy you have ever seen! Amazing=) The band was great and the bar... well... it was a biker bar for sure with lots of black leather, Harley tee-shirts and oh yea the bikes. Wow! It was still a cool place and I'm sure that we will be going back again. I must be getting old though because the music was to loud to talk to each other and we are tons of fun with lots to say. Next time we should pick a table in the back and not front and center. It was tons of fun and I have a great bunch of friends to hang with. Love you all tons!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Freaked out Friday

So it's Friday and the week is over- finally! YA! But this Friday is going to be different. My friend Janet is taking Margaret and me to a biker bar to watch a band and guess what? I don't have a thing to wear!!!! Do you go with the everyday stuff or really get into it? I haven't been out in a while so I really don't have a clue. It totally freaks me out but then I think who really cares? Well - I do! I don't want to be a geek or look stupid and I will already be super self conscious but when you are a home body like me it gets me worked up and anxious. Janet and Margaret are both darling and the life of any party so hopefully all will focus on them and not me.

Our Friday nights mostly consist of goodies (rockstars, diet coke, trolli eggs and wavy chips and ranch dip) and sometimes we actually get around to creating something with all the paper we pack around! Sometimes the spark of creativity doesn't happen and we just laugh or only one of us will create something (anything) spectacular.

So tonight will just have to be what it is, good times with friends and my cute brother =)! So I will go shopping after work, I will let my hair down, I will walk in like I own the joint, and I will have a GR8T time!

Get back to you on the gory details later! lol lol lol =0)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am so thankful for lots of things in my little part of the world, there is my kenzie girl, family and friends, a great job and many other things too! The one thing that I am thankful for this Thursday is ... Sally Hansen Nail Polish in clear. It makes my nails grow like weeds!! I love to have my nails done but this is just as great! If you have not tried it I hope you will soon, I use 3 coats and voila, long nails!

Friday, August 1, 2008

My ABC's

A is for age: 41
B is for burger of choice: good ol' cheeseburger from Mickey D's
C is for the car I drive: 2005 Explorer
D is for your dog's name: Do not have one, daughter really wants one!
E is for essential item you use every day: Febreeze Spray - love the smell!
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Any reality tv will do!
G is for favorite game: I really hate to play games of any kind
H is for home state: Utah
I is for instruments you play: I used to play the cello in third grade, if you can really call that playing, it was really bad!
J is for favorite juice: Is GUAVA ROCKSTAR juice?
K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: Mary, from So You Think You Can Dance, I can not stand her laugh, makes me insane!
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: Cafe Rio
M is for your favorite Muppet: Loved Ms. Piggy
N is for number of piercings: not open anymore, but two in one ear and three in the other
O is for overnight hospital stays: got Tick Fever when I was 10, spent 11 days in quarantine and of course when I had my darling McKenzie
P is for people you were with today: Kenz at breakfast
Q is for what you do with your quite time: watch tv, read, scrapbook, sleep!
R is for biggest regret: not telling someone that I loved him and
wanted to be with him forever =(
S is for status: single and a mom
T is for time you woke up today: 7 am
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: can I get back to you on this one?
V is for vegetable you love: carrots and parsnips
W is for worst habit: I am addicted to coca-cola
X is for x-rays you've had: Hip, teeth, shoulder and my foot is currently broken
Y is for yummy food you ate today: my neighbor brought me warm banana nut bread last night and that was breakfast!
Z is for zodiac: Cancer

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the beginnings

So here it is half way through 2008 and I am doing my first blog! It would not have been possible unless my great friend Evonne hadn't taken time out to help me with this! ( I really mean do it!) She has been so kind and patient with me because I am not computer savvy at all! Which is even more frightening if you knew what I do for a living! lol
I wanted to start this blog to expand on selling my cards and scrapbook pages. I was teaching for a great scrapbook store but unfortunately it closed. I will be posting some of my designs that I have available for purchase, maybe others will like the designs too! I just finished a scrapbook for my step dads niece who is going on a mission to Korea, it has completed pages that she will add her pictures to and I did a baby book for his nephew Chase, wife Nieko and their new son Carter. It turned out wonderful! There will be more to come!